Quality Control

We have the highest quality standars for our seafood products by monitoring onboard handling practices, standars for quality, and traceability from our partners contributes to our consistent supply of premium-quality fish.

Fish Cutting

Bringing Our experience and deep product knowledge to provide custom cut. Precision cutting to meet every need and increases customer satisfaction.


Fish are processed under to our controlled standard operating procedure to meet precise specification and frozen under optimal conditions by Our freezing technology and handling procedure to produce frozen products that. retain the aroma and texture of fresh fish.

Metal Detector

The latest technology in equipment as a preventive programs such as personal hygiene fereign material detection, and food security to protect the food supply from both intentional and accidental contamination.


Every product is under our care, we adhere to a stringent food safety program to ensure quality and food safety. Biological, chemical, and physical hazards are identified and managed through laboratory.