
Snapper is a reef fish that is harvested in the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean and South Atlantic waters.The raw flesh of Red Snapper is pinkish with yellow streaks, turning lighter (but not white) when cooked. The skin is deep red along the back which fades to a lighter pinkish-red on the on the belly.

Red Snapper is a lean, moist fish with a firm texture and a distinctive sweet, nutty flavorwich makes it versatile for many flavor components from mild to intense seasoning. It can be baked, fried, steamed, broiled, poached and grilled. When it comes to seasoning, lemon, vegan butter, and fresh chili peppers are snapper’s best friends.

Snapper Natural Cut

Cut the meat from the complete side of the fish just below the gills to the tail, which is cut from the spine and released in one piece. This is a versatile piece and is used in most general recipes. This method of cutting can be done for any fish either round or flat. These fish pieces can be seasoned, marinated, roasted, fried and sauteed.